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Outdoor Education Training

Our training programs are designed to help teachers understand the core principles of outdoor learning and education and equip them with the tools to integrate learning outdoors into their day to day teaching. 


Why chose outdoor education training with Forest School Catalunya?

       Enrich teaching and learning. 

Forest School Catalunya works with schools to provide teachers with the tools to integrate outdoor learning into their classroom setting. 

Teachers learn about the core principles of outdoor learning, they are given relative and adaptable ideas to use with their classes and the knowledge and confidence to go on to create their own activities and plans.

       School specific programs. 

We design programs that are tailored for the specific context and situation of the school. The timetable and length of the program can fit in around the needs and commitments of the teachers. 

       Convenient Location. 

Training is done with groups at the school or a suitable outdoor setting.

        Possibility of funding. 

Forest School Catalunya in coolaberation with Euromentor runs regular week long outdoor education courses in Barcelona. Euromentor is an Eurasmus + teacher training provider. 


 Learn more here


Get a quote for an Outdoor Ed. program. 

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